Career Assessments


Education and Career Advisors conduct thorough intakes with students. At these sessions, students are asked questions regarding their education and employment history, interests; perceived skills, aptitudes, and weaknesses; goals and objectives, and any other relevant information they would like to share. As we review and interpret the assessment results, the information gathered at this initial meeting will help us to best refine our feedback and recommendations.

Assessment Battery

Following the intake session, students are assigned a battery of assessments to be completed online. These assessments include the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI), the Strong Interest Inventory (SII), and the Career Profiler. Students may also be assigned other assessments including the Exam Preparation Inventory, if necessary. Both the MBTI and SII are highly regarded in the fields of education and psychology, for their accuracy in assessing interests and personality type.

Comprehensive Feedback Session

MBTI and Strong-certified Advisors review and interpret assessment results and conduct highly comprehensive feedback sessions with students. The objective of the feedback sessions are to explain to students what their interests and personality types are, and to recommend occupations in which they would most likely experience success and fulfillment. Advisors very clearly and concisely explain how recommended occupations relate to students’ interests and personalities, and also review profiles for recommended occupations with the students.